About Our Ferritin Serum Test


The ferritin test is useful in understanding the symptoms related to anemias as well as iron overload. Normal levels for ferritin vary from one person to another, so it is important to confirm your results with a health care professional. Iron is vitally important in your body's production of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells responsible for oxygen exchange between the lungs and tissues. It is also important for metabolism, hormone production and growth and development.

Test Contents

Ferritin, Serum Blood Test


Symptoms may include

trouble catching your breath

abnormal weakness


heart arrhythmia

joint pain

manifesting in knees or hands

abdominal pain

skin color changes - gray metallic or bronze

When To Check

Experiencing symptoms of anemia, symptoms of iron overload

How to test

Order Your Test

Choose the test you want to take to know your body better. Then, order your tests online.

Visit A Local Lab

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Get Your Result

Download your results from your secure online portal.

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When To Check
